However, unbeknownst to anyone who attended the funeral for the right reasons, there was one truly awful person among them. A woman came to the funeral home angry that she had to use the bathroom. At that time, none of the guests had yet arrived for the funeral, but the casket was in place.
The woman saw the coffin in the empty room and apparently thought she could make some easy money by ripping the jewelry inside the coffin. It’s hard to say what kind of person can go that far in life.
The woman had no idea that the camera was not only not on, but was pointing directly at the coffin, when she slipped inside and removed a diamond ring from Lewis’s finger. The woman then ran out of the room and ran towards her car, speeding out of the parking lot.
She must have thought she would make a pretty penny on this horrible crime. Phil and the rest of the family are completely shocked. No one could believe someone would be this low.
In the end, the pictures not only helped police find and arrest the thief, but the ring turned out to be a $10 plastic ring as a placeholder for the original diamond.