LGBT rights and acceptance have come a long way over the past 15 years.
At the beginning of 2001, for example, no country in the world recognized same-sex marriage.
Notably, as of January 2021, 29 countries recognized same-sex marriage.
However, going out and letting people – especially your parents – know about your sexual orientation can still be intimidating.
Although gays and lesbians are more accepted today, there are still people who are less understood. So I can understand this boy who was terrified of telling his family he was gay.
But before the teenager had a chance to tell them, his father overheard him talking to his friend.
So what did the teen’s father do? He decided to make going out a little easier for his son.
He wrote her this informal and at the same time quite tolerable note:
I overheard your phone conversation with Mike last night about your plans to reveal me. The only thing I want you to plan is to bring home some orange juice and bread after class. We’re outside, like you are now.
I know you’ve been gay since you were six, I’ve loved you since you were born.
– Dad
P.S. Your mom and I think you and Mike make a cute couple.”
Imagine if all parents accepted this, the world would be a better place.
Please share this heartwarming story on Facebook with your friends if you also think that all people are equal!