
Two parents from Brazil discovered the drawings of their 5-year-old daughter and immediately afterward Father Joao da Silva, 54, admitted his monstrous deed after the girl’s father called him to confront him on the phone, everything happened in the city of Montes Claros, Brazil.

The 5-year-old girl, who will remain anonymous, refused to go to the English classes that Father Silva taught, which made her parents suspect something terrible, so they took her to a psychologist for children.

The psychologist suspected that the girl had gone through sexual abuse, and advised the parents to look for signs of it in the child’s room. In this way, they found the little girl’s drawings that were hidden among the books. One of the images shows a man putting her to bed, another shows a girl sitting in bed with a man standing with force over her, in all the images the girl seems either terrified or angry.

Here is another drawing of the girl:

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