According to North Hill, the tragedy occurred when the couple separated amid all the chaos in the refugee camps. Diane has been completely separated from Alec and the couple’s children. To make matters worse, all the chaos, and all the evidence of their marriage that would keep Diane with his family, is destroyed.
Alec was then pregnant with their third child. I was treated in the refugee camp as a single mother of two children. With no trace of his family left, Diane was listed as a single man when he was treated. Single men generally go to the bottom of the list of people selected to be transferred to the United States for resettlement.
Meanwhile, Alec and his children traveled to Fort Worth, Texas, and the family wasn’t sure if they would see Diane again. In Fort Worth, the family met Molly and Marie Claire. Both mothers volunteered for a refugee agency called Catholic Charities.
Both American mothers felt an instant connection to Alec and her family and were there even when she was born.
Diane was still in the refugee camp, wondering if he would ever see his family again. Her youngest child was now three years old and Diane had never met him. Molly and Marie Claire fought for family reunification, even speaking with politicians and immigration lawyers.
Finally, four years after Diane separated from his family, he is reunited with them for an amazing get-together at Dallas/Fort Worth Airport. Diane immediately fell to his knees when he saw his family overwhelmed with joy.