
If you’re about to buy an engagement ring, you need to be careful to avoid a common trend called the “exposed ring.” A few groups have appeared on Facebook where members post photos of engagement or wedding rings to criticize.

A member of one such group found a ring on his companion’s bedside table. Well, you’d think she might be pretty excited about the good news. Everyone would have thought she would start wondering how she was going to propose to her boyfriend.

But instead, the lady was unhappy with the engagement ring. I took a pic and posted it to one of my favorite ring debunkers for tips on how to ask her boyfriend to buy another ring.

The interesting post went viral and was posted on Reddit. While some comments appreciate the man, some are shocked by the attitude of the lady.

One comment read: “I am always amazed at how ungraceful someone can be when someone is willing to spend so much money on them.”

Another lady said, “My man can get me a Walmart ring and I’ll be happy. How can you be so spoiled and ask people to roast it :(“

While we don’t know if the lady got the advice she needed, we hope she doesn’t disappoint her boyfriend.

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