
Despite facing challenges in building their own family, the Moores experienced a profound sense of solidarity and support from both the plane’s crew and passengers. Dustin expressed his gratitude, saying:

“For an entire crew of strangers to come together like that, to partake like that, to show us that kind of love and kindness meant everything to us.”

Upon reaching their home destination in Buena Park, Orange County, California, Dustin reached out to Southwest Airlines to commend the act of kindness. The newborn’s grandmother creatively arranged the napkins in a book for the couple to cherish and share with their daughter as she grows older.

Initially, when Dustin turned to Twitter, his intention was not to share the flight story. As a registered dietitian and doctoral candidate in Public Health at the University of California, Irvine, he had planned to vent about work. However, he decided to shift the narrative, stating:

“I said to myself, ‘How about pointing out something good?’ I was tired of going to my Twitter feed and seeing something horrible somebody had done. I wanted to contribute something uplifting.”

Dustin further expressed the enchantment he and Caren feel for their baby:

“It’s just amazing having a daughter. All the little details that are mundane to other people are amazing to us. When she burps, we’re like, ‘What an accomplishment!’ It was a long, long wait for her, but every minute we had to wait was worth it.”

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