In order to earn a little money to stay alive, Cheryl Stewart does many services in town.
She works as a housekeeper in a cemetery and military building, and also earns money making scrolls for all of Teton Valley’s funeral services.
Her main job is to work as a lunch lady at Teton High School in Drigs, Idaho. She is highly regarded by her colleagues and superiors as she is considered one of the most diligent workers.
When her superiors called her home one day and told her they needed her help, she went to school without hesitation. That day she wanted to rest because she was sick.
Cheryl didn’t even dream of a surprise waiting for her at school.
She was visited by reporter Nate Eaton of East Idaho News, who carried out the Secret Santa mission. At first, Cheryl received a small box with a $ 100 bill in it and was very happy with it. But the surprise is not yet over.
Because Cheryl’s car broke down, she had to borrow it every day to go to work. Good people have raised enough money to buy him a new car. Once you see her reaction, you will also realize how sincere she is. The gifts went to the right hand this time, and Cheryl was thrilled!