In July 2022, a heartwarming surprise awaited Theut during her youngest daughter Sarah Reynolds’ wedding. As a mother of five daughters and no sons, she had never experienced a mother-son dance. Nonetheless, she found contentment in watching her husband dance with their daughters, never anticipating the opportunity for herself.
During the wedding planning, Sarah and her sisters, along with their husbands and father, orchestrated a secret plan to give their mom the mother-son dance she had never had. Sarah, sharing the details with, mentioned, “The only people who knew were my sisters and our husbands because we didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Mom has done so much for our weddings and never got to have that dance.”
All the men eagerly agreed to participate when Sarah and her sisters approached them. “They were really excited to be a part of it,” she expressed.
The heartwarming moment captured in a video showcased Theut’s dance with Sarah’s groom, Paul Reynolds. Following this, each of her four other daughters took the dance floor with their spouses, allowing Theut to share a special dance with each one to Carrie Underwood’s “Mama’s Song.” Theut also shared a dance with her husband, Eric, wiping away tears of joy that welled up in her eyes.
Recalling a poignant moment with her husband during their dance, Theut expressed, “This is the first time I’ve danced with one of my sons at their weddings.” To her surprise, Eric replied, “Well, you’re in for a surprise: You get to dance with all of us — turn around.” The unexpected gesture left Theut amazed, and she confessed, “I can’t even describe it. There are very few times when you’re that excited.”
Reflecting on the experience, she shared, “It meant a lot more to me than I ever thought. I have great sons-in-law. It all meant a lot. It was pretty special.”