
According to the story, I contacted my ex-husband, the local sheriff’s deputy, for some help with the kids. According to a Facebook post about the moment, she opened up about her feelings: “That moment when everyone in your house has the flu and you’re asking your kids’ dad to take them (not me) on more Motrin and Tylenol and he refuses.”

While the comment may seem innocent enough, it’s easy to see how the ex-husband may have received the letter as a small gesture indicating his interest in parenthood. This may have exacerbated the problem when some of Anne’s friends offered their support for Anne’s plight in the same post.

Some things are not easily forgotten. Apparently my dad was a little upset with what he was reading. At this point, it’s hard to fathom what was about to happen. Partly out of what one might assume was just revenge, the ex-husband decided to show the work to a local justice of the peace, Fox reports. The judge responded by arresting Anne and charging her with criminal libel.

After spending five hours in jail, an embarrassed and stunned “Ann” is released. The arrest and charges were found to be unconstitutional, leading Anne to receive an apology from the ex and a $100,000 settlement for the state’s bogus arrest.

All’s well That ends well.

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