
I have to admit I didn’t know the Carolina Shag until I watched this amazing dance routine and I was totally in awe of it.

For those who don’t know, the Carolina Shag has been Caroline’s official dance since 1984. It has its origins in Atlantic Beach, but most would agree it’s the modern take on Myrtle Beach.

The Carolina Shag is also known to be the perfect dance for beach music, vintage shows, and rhythm and blues. People can easily learn and dance to it in many social settings, including ballrooms, nightclubs, parties, weddings, and cruises.

Now a group of teenagers aged 12 to 17 from North and South Carolina are showing everyone how it should be done, and their incredible dance routine has fans hopping to their feet while ‘they perform the dance.

The Junior Shag Dance team travels the world to perform the Carolina Shag and has 13 titles to its name, including the 7-time Great National Team champion of the United States.

In the video of their dazzling performance below, the group stunned the crowd as Carolina Shagg danced to a variety of songs, including Aretha Franklin’s classic “Think” and James’s “How Long Can A Fool Go Wrong”. Cotton.

In their modest but stunning hot pink jumpsuits the girls danced with their smart male partners dressed in black dress shirts and pants.

Their moves are highly sophisticated at the beginning as if they’re on the set of a Jane Austen adaptation re-enacting a ball but as soon as the beat kicks in the grooves come out and it’s an impressive display. 

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